Monday, November 1, 2010

My New Favorite Thing via @EstavaMorioka #Amplify

Amplify’d from
Estava Morioka

The World Is Your Red Carpet

My New Favorite Thing

So last month Estava Morioka had a big fashion show in Philadelphia and it was a blast.  The event planner, Angela Edmunds, linked us in with this fab jewelry line, Trés Belle, to accessorize the ladies.  I immediately fell in love with her collection.  At the end of the show I nabbed one of her earrings…yes, one. When you scroll down and see me in a pic of it then you will understand why they are sold in singles.  Ok, being the item collector that I am, at the time I didn’t think anything of the acquisition outside of the now jaded gittiness that I experience when I normally buy stuff. But now that I’ve had it for a month, I will say that it is the best purchase (ouside of anything that I get from Estava Morioka) I’ve made years.  I’ve worn it almost everyday that I went out since then.  That’s saying a lot because I go out A LOT! What can I say, I’m a social gal.
Here I am in it
Nicole Purvy of Estava Morioka
Yes, it goes in one ear and then you wrap it around your neck! How effing hot it that!

I get so many complements on it. Men LOVE it. Women want it.
For a limited time only you can get yourself one at Boutique77 in Philadelphia


777 South Broad St

Phila, PA 19147
Yes the same Boutique77 that you can get an exclusive selection from the Estava Morioka collection. Im assuming that you already knew that cause we’ve been talking about it for a month now.
Tres Belle Jewelry in Boutique77
Also, here is the vid from the Estava Morioka fashion show. You can get a peak of Trés Belle in the fashion show too.
See more at
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